Mckinsey senior partners discuss methodologies and approaches used by 67 CEOs in charge of some of the world’s larger companies.
A short 9 minute video can be found here.
The generic point made is that these excellent CEOs treated all stakeholders as valuable resources to be enlisted and to do this effectively required a good understanding of why. That is, why are they interested in interacting with the company.
From this, it is possible to develop approaches that enable constructive alignment, even in some of the most difficult of circumstances. This may involve a team approach, bringing in fresh eyes to the situation, engaging broader perspectives to triangulate issues and build constructive ways forward.
The CEO needs to be genuine, show trust, listen and be able to empathise: competences that serve the holder well in any environment.
Adopting such an approach supports great strategic thinking, draws people in and encourages a more positive attitude and commitment to moving forward together.
Do watch the video. Tell us what you think. We’d love to hear from you.